Living Life Full Circle
When trying to understand balance , there are numerous pillars involved that are going to make a person feel integrated and well adjusted. Here are a few to consider when completing a "life coaching" checklist for assessing your overall life balance.
Home Cooking, Personal nutrition
Career / Purpose
Physical Activity
Joy, Spiritual Practise
It is by examining these pillars on a regular basis that you can keep yourself in check. (pillars will differ according to what someone will feel is important for them) Sometimes the word balance can be misunderstood for finding a constant middle ground. However, balance is a multitude of health pillars which correlate with one another. It's a push and pull of regulating those pillars so you can live life with more ease over time. It is by no means constant nor are the pillars seperate from one another. It is about the interconnectedness of each pillar as a whole. A few scenarios to help illustrate:
Let's say we are going to work on having a healthy diet, but your physical activity is non existent, then it's very probable you will feel off balance.
Or you try to meditate a cushion but simply cannot because you suffer from discomfort in your body due to a very poor diet and a lack of movement.
Or you do yoga every single day but your personal relationship with yourself and others are a complete mess.
Or you have a demanding interesting job but never have time to experience joy or invest in your personal growth.
Mindbody health or "balance" is defined by examining your life with a birds eye view. Living with a very clear and awakened view of what IS and what is NOT working in your life and aligning your daily habits to move towards balance. Circle of Life Exercise: Draw out a circle with all the pillars you feel are important (example below)
Place a dot on the line in each category to indicate your level of satisfaction within each area. Place a dot at the center of the circle to indicate dissatisfaction, or on the periphery to indicate satisfaction. Most people fall somewhere in between. (see example)
Connect the dots to see your Circle of Life.
Identify imbalances. Determine where to spend more time and energy to create balance. Stick this diagram on your fridge so you see it every day. sidenote: What are your NON-negotiables? Is it food, relationships and career? then be clear on those pillars and invest in them daily.

example circle of life courtesy © integrative nutrition health coaching 2014
Some key questions to help you get started:
Nutrition: Are you eating enough freshly cooked meals almost daily?
Work: Are you doing work that you feel is of value?
Relationships: Are you happy with the state of your relationships?
Finances: Do you have enough wealth that gives you the freedom to make choices?
I hope some of these questions will inspire you to invest in some important pillars so you can live life full circle :-)
Please find the retreat calendar below where we dive into these key topics. Students leave retreats feeling fulfilled as many pillars of mindbody health are practised at these healthy holidays.
Namaste Hands,
Mike 👌
Sidenote: Balance is unique to each individual. What may feel balance for one person may seem boring to another.